Belgrade Tango Encuentro FESTIVAL&MARATHON: May 24-29, 2023
Hosted by: Belgrade Tango Encuentro
You can register at https://registration.belgradetangoencuentro.com/
To join the BTE team as a promoter visit
The time has finally come!!
Four looong years without the Encuentro.
We missed it so much, that energy of wonder, and its power to embrace the whole world!
So here we are, and once again we will celebrate spring and tango, together, and under its dome.
Four looong years without the Encuentro.
We missed it so much, that energy of wonder, and its power to embrace the whole world!
So here we are, and once again we will celebrate spring and tango, together, and under its dome.
After this break, the Encuentro will be more magical and spectacular than ever.
If you are among thousands of tanguer@s who have already enjoyed its beauty, you know that each year it brings something new, that each year it grows not only in numbers, but also in every other aspect.
If you are among thousands of tanguer@s who have already enjoyed its beauty, you know that each year it brings something new, that each year it grows not only in numbers, but also in every other aspect.
And if you have missed the previous editions of Belgrade Tango Encuentro, this is a perfect moment to experience it for the first time: because this year it will blossom like never before!
Starting with the previous edition, BTE has entered a new stage, moving to a magnificent new venue. This year, we are staying under the same roof, but we will take a step further:
NEW DATES: May 24-29 – The days in which Belgrade is beautifully green, sunny and pleasantly warm, real lavish spring, that awakens all senses and brings tickling joy.
NEW CAST: The world class tango couples, each of them unique in their expression, dancing technique and approach to classes, all of them for the first time at the Encuentro
BTE MAP IS EXPANDING: the last edition of BTE brought together tanguer@s from 6 continents, 59 countries and 276 cities! But this year dozens of dancers from new countries and cities are already planning their trip to the Encuentro – we are excited for the new colors and tastes that will enrich this gathering of the Tango World in May
DYNAMIC LOCAL TANGO COMMUNITY: Belgrade tango community is bigger and more dynamic than ever before.
GROWING TANGO NATURAL TEAM: What you can expect here, every Spring, is the well known friendly atmosphere and warm hospitality of Tango Natural Team which has been complemented by some new members.
Each evening of the BTE you will enjoy dancing with hundreds and hundreds of tanguer@s from all around the world, enjoy stunning performances, in the spaciousness and beauty of its venue. During the day, there is a choice of tango classes with great maestros and the possibility to dance even more, enjoying the true marathon atmosphere at the 3 long Daily Milongas. Finally, you can always chill out in a huge lounge area, browse the latest products of exclusive tango fashion brands at the milonga venue, take a walk by the river and enjoy delicious food in numerous Belgrade restaurants of traditional and international cuisine.
Just like the previous years, all that and much more, will make this FESTIVAL MARATHON your “THE BEST TANGO CHOICE OF THE YEAR”
Chicho Frumboli y Juana Sepulveda
Carlitos Espinoza y Agustina Piaggio
Bruno Tombari y Rocio Lequio
Simone Facchini y Gioia Abballe
Giovanni Eredia y Francesca Sutera
Chicho Frumboli y Juana Sepulveda
Carlitos Espinoza y Agustina Piaggio
Bruno Tombari y Rocio Lequio
Simone Facchini y Gioia Abballe
Giovanni Eredia y Francesca Sutera
Francesco Cieschi
Mauro Berardi
Yanina Erramouspe
Osky Casas
Ramo y Gogo
Luka Radunovic
Francesco Cieschi
Mauro Berardi
Yanina Erramouspe
Osky Casas
Ramo y Gogo
Luka Radunovic
For more info check www.belgradetangoencuentro.com
If you have any additional questions feel free to contact us on WhatsApp +38163384465
If you have any additional questions feel free to contact us on WhatsApp +38163384465